My chosen topic for the simulation is CHILD OBESITY/THE EFFECTS OF CHILD OBESITY. I chose to write about and study this topic because I feel it's such an important topic and a lot of time the problem goes ignored by many. Child obesity and the effects of child obesity are such a major problem all around the world; especially in America. I find that this topic is very crucial to learn more about. As a Mommy and a future educator, I want to become more knowledgeable on the topic and help prevent this problem in anyway that I can.
I was never obese as a child but I remember going to school with many friends/children that were obese. Even today.. I see it often and it just breaks my heart to see so many children suffering through this disease. I was at my OBGYN appointment last week and in the waiting room was a mother, a father, and a little boy (No older then two years old) he was obviously obese, he was panting as he breathed and I believe his weight had affected his speech in a way. What was his parents giving him to eat in order to keep quiet while waiting? A big bag of peanut M & M's. I'm sitting there in the waiting room watching this family (Not making it too obvious that I felt bad for the child) not being judgmental, but just asking myself why couldn't they have brought their son an apple, a yogurt, or even a string cheese? Why don't parents choose healthier foods for their children? I can't fathom that. It's simple... the effects of child obesity are harsh. Are parents to blame? Is it the child's fault? Should parents of obese children be classified as negligent parents? I have seen firsthand the effects of child obesity.... they are no fun.
Insights that I have gained this week have been how to conduct research, I have learned some new definitions in our required readings/book for the course, and the more I research about child obesity, the more I learn about it!
Friends... classmates... do you have any advice or insight that might help me with this process and/or with this course? I'd appreciate any resources you're willing to share with me! I have posted some great links to websites on child obesity that I plan on using throughout the course in regards to this specific topic!
Helpful links on child obesity: