Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Immunizations- For or Against?


Immunizations have been something I have been doing a lot of research on lately. It's something I speak about often with my friends and other parents to get their view/opinion on it. From doing research over the past few months on this topic I have found out that there is SO much information on this. This topic is meaningful to me because I am a Mother. It's my job as a parent to know what is being injected into my children and why. A lot of articles speak about the benefits of immunizations while others speak about why they should not be given and the potential consequences. There is definitely a rise in anti-immunizations research/articles on this topic. I can assure you that the web is a very confusing place to get information on immunizations. There is just so much debate! After doing my research and talking to others and even hearing of personal stories of people's children dying from certain immunizations and seeing many online articles of this happening- I have come to a personal conclusion for me and my children and future children as far as immunizing.
What parent doesn't want to keep their children healthy and spare them from serious diseases? I personally feel that vaccines are effective and have more benefits than risks. I feel that vaccines do work to prevent children from getting serious illnesses. When it came time to decide weather or not I would vaccinate my daughter and future children I did extensive research, took a close look at the benefits/disadvantages and then made my decision. In making my decision what really helped me to make my decision was knowing that my parents always made sure I was up to date on my vaccines and looking back and remembering that I was very rarely ever sick. I feel that getting my immunizations as a child really helped to prevent me from getting sick. I never had any negative consequences to getting my vaccines. My daughter is 14 months old and she has had all of her recommended immunizations since she was born, including her influenza shot, and she has never had any negative consequences to her immunizations either.

I've read many news articles on how vaccines cause autism, SIDS, and even cancer, and how children have died from getting vaccinated and it was so sad to read these types of stories but I just didn't feel there was enough proof behind these stories to prove that immunizations have caused these types of things to happen. There is not enough evidence for me to be sold on the fact that vaccines cause death in children, and disorders such as autism, SIDS, and cancer.

I have an ex-best friend of mine that was completely against vaccinating her children. When I asked her-her thoughts on the topic and why she felt the way she did she shared with me some articles that spoke about the consequences of vaccinating. I asked her if her children's Doctor/Pediatrician was  supportive of her decision not to have her children vaccinated and she informed me that her children's doctor/Pediatrician was NOT supportive of her decision, constantly tried to get her to change her mind yet she stayed true to her decision, no one was changing her mind. One of her two boys is about to start school this year and it's required by the Elementary school for her child to get vaccinated before he enters into school. She is being forced to go against something she truly doesn't believe in and she has absolutely no say in it because it's just school policy. She has gone all these years not vaccinating her children only for her children to be vaccinated before they start school.... this is another reason I chose to believe in immunizing my children. It's required when they enter school anyways (As a parent I have no say) so there is no reason not to give them as recommended by all Doctors. I like to think that most Doctors recommend vaccines for a reason. If there were more risks then benefits I don't think Doctors would recommend them as much as they do.

With that being said- what is your opinion on immunizations? Do you vaccinate your children? Why or why not?


According to the American Academy of Pediatrics, all children should have their vaccines and be up to date. The following vaccinations are recommended for France: Measles, Mumps, Rubella, Tetanus, diphtheria, and influenza. These vaccines are recommended for travelers during certain times throughout the year. There have been many reported outbreaks in France since early as 2008 from the measles, rabies, leptospirosis, legionnaires, avion influenza, typhoid fever, and even meningococcal. I tried researching reqquired immunizations for the country in general but I could only find articles/web searches on vaccines that were required for travelers.

After reading and finding out so much about immunizations, I hope to be able to apply what I have learned into my classroom when I become a future teacher. There may be a time when a parent asks me my opinion on vaccines and the benefits/risks and now I will be able to share with them what I have learned and my view on it in hopes that I help them make the right choice for their children.


Goldberg, D. (n.d.). France. Retrieved from http://www.mdtravelhealth.com/destinations/europe/france.php 


  1. I agree that the benefits of immunization out weigh the risks involved. The risk are no higher than an unrelated accident happening to a child. This is especially true for children in undeveloped countries. Simple immunization can spare them much suffering in the long run.

    1. Hi Janice,
      I like how you mentioned the benefits of immunizations for children in undeveloped countries. It's true! All you have to do is watch a "Save the children" commercial and realize that these children need immunizations to prevent from illnesses.

  2. Stacy, I work with a young lady who just stop taking her children in to get their immunization. But when she wanted to enter them into the early childcare program they was denied because they had not been immunize. Just as your friend, she had to get her children immunize before they would allow them to enter into the school. Why not get vaccinated? I would perfer that my child were protected from anything that my cause them harm, or anyone else harm for not having their immunization.

    1. I agree with you, Gloria. Do you think it should be a law that children get immunizations before they enter into school or should it be the parent's choice?

  3. I agree with immunization because I think that they are all in all good for the majority of children. The thing that bothers me is that immunization constantly change. Why do they need to change from year to year? I want to do more research before I have a child.

    1. I am neither pro nor con on immunizations. But, parents, caregivers will come to a road block when they enroll the child in school and travel. My question is: why would you want to enroll your child in school and not have them immunized? School is a huge fun place where children spread germs around constantly. Why would you travel foreign or domestic without immunizing your child? I went to a doctor that was against immunizations, so I had to go to another doctor to get all my children their shots. It would probably be impossible to enroll your child in a day care center without immunizations. My validation is find a holistic setting for your children that all parents agree on or home school your child.

  4. I believe that all children should be immunization. Just like you said parents don't have no say so when it comes to the school policies. I too, have a friend that didn't vaccinate her kids and I do not know how she got away with it if she did with her are kids not been vaccinate and going to school.

  5. My opinion on immunizations is that all children should be immunized, because of the risk of affecting other children with diseases. There are vaccines to prevent certain diseases, such as polio, from occuring. I understand people having their own beliefs about certain things, but if it may have a bad effect on someone else than we have to do what has to be done. Immunization should be mandatory. I have my children vaccinated and their shots are up-to-date. Vaccinations aren't just for small children, that are entering school, it is also for older children. However, there is a cut-off for vaccination, and that is when all of your vaccinations have been given.
