Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Similarities and Differences

My results of the three assessments were:
Communication Anxiety Inventory: Your score indicates that you feel somewhat concerned about a number of communication contexts, but probably not all. This mid-point level of communication anxiety is what we call “Situational.”
Learning styles profile: You are empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others. This listening style helps you to build relationships, but it can interfere with proper judgment because you tend to be very trusting of others.
Verbal Aggressiveness Scale:  You maintain a good balance between respect and consideration for others’ viewpoints, and the ability to argue fairly by attacking the facts of a position rather than the person holding that position. 

I asked a friend of mine how she perceived me as a communicator. She currently lives in Arkansas and I live in Tennessee. Her response was: I have known Stacy Perry for several years.  She is a wonderful communicator, and especially through writing. She is able to share her emotions and thoughts very creatively through writing.  Not everyone has that talent. I feel she is patient when listening, and  can understand others. She also can give advice and guidance when asked for her opinion.  On a person to person level she is not one to start a confrontation but rather to wait and think it through.  She is very caring of others feelings, regardless of topic. She respects others view points even if she disagrees. I  feel she expresses herself through writing better than person to person communication. She does not anger easily, and is always aped to work through issues as they arise.  She is a very unique person with good communication skills.
~TASHA Thompson~

How I view myself as a communicator is: Very open, honest, willing to give advice, a wonderful listener (Probably my strongest point in communication) Not judgemental, I'm very thoughtful and careful of others feelings and know how to respect others view points even if I don't agree with them. Those that truly know me would agree with what I have said above. The one thing that surprised me the most was when my assessment graded me and stated:

You are empathetic and concerned with the emotions of others. This listening style helps you to build relationships, but it can interfere with proper judgment because you tend to be very trusting of others. I never truly realized how my judgement may be affected by me trusting people too easily but that's such a true statement about me.

Two things I learned about communication this week:
1.) How you view yourself as a communicator is not how others will see you/perceive you, people will always have their own thoughts/opinions about how you communicate. Working in the early childhood field with children and families, I need to remember that there is always room for improvement and to always be working on my flaws to improve them so I can be the best professional for those young children and help families as much as possible. 

2.) Communication is not just about talking and speaking to others. It's about using signs, symbols, gestures, postures, and other things. There is a lot more to communication then just using words. 


1 comment:

  1. Hi Stacy,
    You are correct others will not always perceive us they way we perceive ourselves, however, I think that people who know us best have good insights to give that are extremely relevant to our communication styles. Others can see things about us we often cannot see ourselves. I am not sure if you have ever taken a Myers Briggs Type Indicator test before, but I have been thinking about it all week and how we perceive or judge things are often parts of our personality. Once we realize this about ourselves it can help with how we communicate with others.
